Business valuation

Sovalue is specialised in the valuation of tech companies. We have developed our own and enriched database of +80,000 companies and transactions to perform statistical analyses specifically designed for tech companies, in order to provide reliable and accurate results.

Business valuation in 4 steps

Étape 1

Valuation method selection

The maturity stage of the company will dictate the choice of the valuation method to be used.

For early or growth stage companies, which are not profitable yet or whose horizon remains uncertain, the comparable or multiple method is most often used.

Late stage or profitable companies may use a combination of methods to estimate their intrinsic value.

Étape 2

AI-assisted search for comparable companies

We look for private and public companies that are comparable to your activity on financial databases which include more than 80,000 companies and transactions.

We also have developed and enriched our own tech company database to use industry standards.

Étape 3

Statistical models

Our technology allows us to conduct correlation analysis between the comparable companies’ multiples and their financial KPIs.

Our statistical analysis allows us to precisely calculate a unique multiple that corresponds to your company’s maturity, performance, and risk profile.

At Sovalue, every business is a mathematical equation.

Étape 4

Story telling and results

Mathematical models get us closer to the right value, but the right story telling will be even more decisive to reach it.

Making the numbers tell the right story is a decisive step. The valuation of tech companies has multiple parameters and understanding is required to apprehend the complexity of venture capital beyond the figures.

Un processus simple et itératif

Collection of information

You will be asked to send us the information required to complete the financial assessment.

Interiew with an analyst

An interview with our analyst is carried out to clarify the information received and methods to be considered.


A second interview is organized to refine the assumptions made and the results with you.

Valuation report

A valuation report that presents the results and hypothesis will be sent to you.

Sovalue, une évaluation fiable pour sécuriser vos opérations

Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs dans leurs opérations sur le capital.

Sur mesure

Chaque entreprise est unique. Nous utilisons les méthodes d'évaluation financière les plus adaptées à votre stade de développement et votre secteur.

Conformité locale

Nos évaluations financières sont conformes aux exigences de chaque juridiction. Notre expérience vous garantit fiabilité et sécurité.

Équipe dédiée

Notre équipe est à vos côtés tout au long du processus d'évaluation financière, de l'offre de conseil à la fourniture du rapport, pour un meilleur service client.

Prenez rendez-vous avec nos analystes pour en savoir plus.

accurate valuation for keeping moving safely

We support entrepreneurs in their capital operations. Make an appointment with our analysts to find out more.

Tailored made

Every business is unique. We use the valuation methods that are best suited to your stage of development and your sector.

Locally compliant

Our valuation reports comply with your local requirements. Our experience guarantees you a reliable and safe valuation.

Dedicated team

Our team is at your side through the valuation process, from offering advice to providing required support. Our focus is to provide the best customer experience.