We provide fair market valuation for tech companies

Sovalue helps thousands of startups get accurate firm value and stock options strike price at fair market value, providing locally compliant valuation reports.

Loved by founders, investors, and lawyers

Stock Options Strike Price Valuation

Get an evaluation report in a few days.

Sovalue is a leading firm in evaluating the exercise price of options, offering the highest local compliance standards (409a).

You can entrust us with your evaluation. We offer all businesses free lifetime support at no additional cost.

Enterprise Fair Market Valuation

We combine our appraiser experience with our technology to offer the most accurate valuation experience for tech companies.

We gather public and private financial information that applies best to venture capital firms.

Update your company valuation regularly and keep moving.

Sovalue, une évaluation fiable pour sécuriser vos opérations

Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs dans leurs opérations sur le capital.

Sur mesure

Chaque entreprise est unique. Nous utilisons les méthodes d'évaluation financière les plus adaptées à votre stade de développement et votre secteur.

Conformité locale

Nos évaluations financières sont conformes aux exigences de chaque juridiction. Notre expérience vous garantit fiabilité et sécurité.

Équipe dédiée

Notre équipe est à vos côtés tout au long du processus d'évaluation financière, de l'offre de conseil à la fourniture du rapport, pour un meilleur service client.

Prenez rendez-vous avec nos analystes pour en savoir plus.

accurate valuation for keeping moving safely

We support entrepreneurs in their capital operations. Make an appointment with our analysts to find out more.

Tailored made

Every business is unique. We use the valuation methods that are best suited to your stage of development and your sector.

Locally compliant

Our valuation reports comply with your local requirements. Our experience guarantees you a reliable and safe valuation.

Dedicated team

Our team is at your side through the valuation process, from offering advice to providing required support. Our focus is to provide the best customer experience.